Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hi Guys!, "Rubiks Cube Solver" is one of my latest applications. With this application you can reset or solve your scrambled Rubiks Cube (Standard). This applicaiton run on all J2SE enabled platforms.. 

(Screenshot-1 on Windows XP)

(Screenshot-2 on Windows XP)

(For J2SE enabled Operating Systems)


Hai guys! The "Slider" is a gaming application well known about to everyone.. this, the another application made by me, run on all J2SE enabled platforms.. provided with 3 different sizes (3x3, 4x4, 5x5).. Hope u guys like.. Kill your idle time with and have the fun.. Cheers..

(Screenshot-1 on Windows XP)

(Screenshot-2 on Windows XP)

(For J2SE enabled Operating Systems)


Hai guys! This is a J2ME application made by me.. This app solves 9x9 sudoku puzzles of all levels (very easy, easy, medium, hard, and extreme) of 'Sensible Sudoku' gaming application....  This app works on all java enabled phones with profiles as CLDC1.1 and MIDP 2.0 ..... Hope u guys like.. Have the fun.. Cheers..

(Screenshot-1 from Nokia N73 CLDC1.1 MIDP 2.0)

(Screenshot-2 from Nokia N73 CLDC1.1 MIDP 2.0)

(For CLDC 1.1 MIDP 2.0 Java Enabled Mobile Devices)


Hai Guys! this is a J2ME application made by me as per the requirement of knowing the day of the week for a given date.. Hope this applicaiton is useful for almost all the people who needs to know the day of the date instantly without navigating all the months n years through calender application.. have your day.. cheers..

(Screenshot-1 from Nokia N73 CLDC1.1 MIDP 2.0)

(Screenshot-2 from Nokia N73 CLDC1.1 MIDP 2.0)

(Screenshot-3 from Nokia N73 CLDC1.1 MIDP 2.0)

(For CLDC 1.1 MIDP 2.0 Java Enabled Mobile Devices)